Google tweaks search ads after EU shopping antitrust ruling Ifeadi C. 03:57 TechCrunch, Zero Tech Blog Google has rolled out changes to how it displays search results for products in Europe to try to comply with an EU antitrust ruling against its Google Shopping search comparison service. Read More via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsGoogle launches Kormo app in India to help people find entry-level jobsOmio takes $100M to shuttle through the coronavirus crisisCannabis dispensaries’ online sales are way up, and Dutchie, which connects them to their customers, is a major beneficiaryInfraDigital helps Indonesian schools digitize tuition and’s 1-year-old health unicorn to get $830M from HillhouseIndia’s first Earth-imaging satellite startup raises $5 million, first launch planned for later this year