There's something uncanny about the way Warner Bros. is handling critics and press for Blade Runner: 2049. I've seen this weirdness before — and reading the tea leaves, I'd say we may very well have a modern classic on our hands here.
But there are also reasons to believe the sequel to the sci-fi touchstone is a replicant of the 1982 original: A cult hit that's a huge with fanboys and film geeks, but severely bores moviegoers and flops at the box office.
Blade Runner 2049 media screenings are rolling in relatively late, and guests weren't allowed at last week's press junket screenings — never a good sign. Stirring up more suspicion, Warner Bros. made some journalists sign NDAs, which I've only seen once before (also with Warner Bros., for Batman v Superman). Read more...
More about Movies, Harrison Ford, Movie Reviews, Ryan Gosling, and Blade Runner 2049via Zero Tech Blog