Lots of people have been playing the floor is lava recently, but no one plays it like this dude.
Andri Ragettli is a teenage skier from Switzerland who manages to glide through this parkour training course with ease. And he never touches the ground.
Parcour Part 2!!🔥 ➡️Road to Olympics!!!#parcour #training# summer #workhard #olympics #realmadrid #rmfans #roadtopyeongchang http://pic.twitter.com/BJyvPRi0id
— Andri ragettli (@Andriragettli) September 10, 2017
Ragetlli has been training for the 2018 olympics but he seems to spend a fair amount of time preparing for a role in a big budget action film. You may have seen some of these moves before in Mission Impossible or a James Bond chase scene. Read more...
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