The most burning 'Game of Thrones' question: Where the eff is Gendry?


Everyone knows that Game of Thrones is the show where your faves go to die, but what do you do when they just ... leave?

Back in Season 1, Game of Thrones introduced us to a pivotal character (at the time): Robert Baratheon's bastard, Gendry. As Ned Stark followed the path laid out by his predecessor Jon Arryn, he unraveled the legitimacy of Joffrey's claim to the throne and discovered that Robert had legitimate children scattered around the kingdoms.

Gendry was shipped away from King's Landing for his own safety — along with Arya in disguise — and set upon a journey that would include the Brotherhood without Banners, the Faceless Men, and a charged sexual encounter involving leeches and black magic. We last saw him sailing away from his problems ... and we haven't seen him since. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Television, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, and Gendry

via Zero Tech Blog

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