The Joker's origin story is that he has no origin story. Yet here we are


Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything becomes chaos.

The DC Comics division at Warner Bros. is launching a new feature film banner to make movies from its known characters — starting with The Joker — but played by different actors, who would stay separate from the DC Extended Universe continuity, Mashable has confirmed.

The Joker movie, its first and only known project so far, is being written by The Hangover writer/director Todd Phillips, who may direct Joker, too, if he plays his cards right. This bold and unprecedented cinematic spinoff plan would exclude Jared Leto, who could reprise his role in future DCEU films — but for this project, a younger actor would take his place (and hopefully not send creepy packages to cast-mates). Read more...

More about Movies, Batman, Warner Bros., The Joker, and Dceu

via Zero Tech Blog

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