Stunning new view of Jupiter flips Great Red Spot on its side


A new view of Jupiter takes the usual shot of the planet's Great Red Spot and flips it on its side.

The captivating new perspective comes from an image created by two citizen scientists who used data from the JunoCam on NASA's Juno spacecraft that's been in orbit for more than a year studying the planet, according to NASA.

The north end of the planet is shown on the left side of the new photo (above) and that's where the Great Red Spot rages.

The image comes from the recent batch of photos and data from the Juno spacecraft's fly-by on July 10. The Great Red Spot, a 10,000 mile-wide storm, had quite a photo session when the spacecraft flew 5,600 miles above it. Read more...

More about Nasa, Jupiter, Science, and Space

via Zero Tech Blog

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