Stop your bad habits with this shock-inducing wristband (yes, really)


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So, we've never met, but we'll still go out on a limb and guess that you've probably got a bad habit or two. Something you do a bit too often, and wish you could quit. (Uncanny, right?) 

Well, now that we've established that, there’s a new habit-breaking gadget that you might want to consider: the Pavlok Electro Wristband.

It's a little intense, but bear with us: Named after Ivan Pavlov — the famous Russian psychologist who got his dog to salivate by ringing a bell — this Fitbit-like wristband uses operant conditioning to trick your brain into avoiding unwanted behavior. By shocking you.  Read more...

More about Drinking, Wristband, Psychology, Smoking, and Shock

via Zero Tech Blog

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