General Leia Organa — to us, she's always royalty — is a character with many titles. Senator, diplomat, spy, hero of the Rebellion, head of the Resistance, dispenser of medals, kicker of a whole lot of ass.
But one thing she is not — absolutely, definitively, according to Lucasfilm canon — is a PhD.
The notion that Leia got a space doctorate in her teenage years steamrolled across the news this weekend, thanks to Buzzfeed noticing a tweet that noticed a thing that George Lucas said off-handedly on a DVD commentary in 2004.
As ever, context is everything: Lucas was trying to say he needed a really smart young actor to portray a really smart 19-year-old character, and was riffing on what that might mean. (Like a lot of creatives, Lucas habitually did a lot of riffing; he and his company rarely consider anything definitive until it is on the page or screen.) Read more...
More about Star Wars, Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher, Leia, and Entertainmentvia Zero Tech Blog