Monday's solar eclipse is a big deal for people who like the space and the sky, and there's perhaps no greater fan of those two things than Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson.
Only, maybe we misunderstood the nature of his fandom until now.
Dr. deGrasse Tyson (as impersonated by Kenan Thompson) stopped by Weekend Update to explain his eclipse plans: traveling to a town in the path of totality, removing his clothes, and anointing himself with a red clay. For Tyson, it seems the eclipse is more of a sexual event than a scientific one. And you know what? That's okay.
If you, too, are looking to have a sexual awakening during Monday's blacking out of the sun, we've compiled plenty of ways to get the proper viewing experience. Read more...
More about Neil Degrasse Tyson, Saturday Night Live, Solar Eclipse 2017, Weekend Update Summer Edition, and Kenan Thompsonvia Zero Tech Blog