Male Hollywood type James Cameron dismisses 'Wonder Woman' as just more male Hollywood BS


We've spilled an awful lot of digital ink over the past few months over the glory that is Wonder Woman: how good it is, how hard everyone worked to get here, how many records it's broken, what it means to women to see ourselves reflected onscreen.

But everyone has her detractors, even Diana Prince. And one person who's totally unimpressed is James Cameron.

The Terminator director made his thoughts known in a recent interview with The Guardian:

Unlike, you know, Cameron's own movie:

You heard it here first, everyone: All the excitement over Wonder Woman is just "self-congratulatory back-patting" from "male Hollywood doing the same old thing," but male Hollywood director James Cameron patting himself on the back for creating Sarah Connor is real feminism. Or something. Read more...

More about James Cameron, Wonder Woman, Entertainment, Movies Tv Shows, and Comic Culture

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