Jerry Seinfeld hugs it out ... in front of a mural of his failed Kesha hug


There was quite the kerfuffle when Jerry Seinfeld turned down a hug from singer Kesha during a red carpet interview back in June—not once, but twice.

But one thing is for sure, Seinfeld loves hugs. Well, ones with his longtime manager George Shapiro, at least.

In Melbourne, Australia, for a run of comedy shows, Seinfeld stopped by a mural of the Kesha incident with Shapiro, where they got a photo of them hugging it out. 

Sorry, Kesha.

Me and my Manager of three decades, @georgeshapiro enjoying

— Jerry Seinfeld (@JerrySeinfeld) August 8, 2017

More about Entertainment, Australia, Culture, Jerry Seinfeld, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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