If 'Game of Thrones' kills Drogon, I'll burn everyone alive


This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 7, episode 4, "The Spoils of War."

There were a lot of jaw-dropping moments from Daenerys and Jaime's epic battle in "The Spoils of War." But perhaps none more surprising than the visceral reaction we all had watching Bronn spear our most beloved oversized reptile like some sort of common garden lizard.

That heartbreaking cry of agony, and the episode's inconclusive end, left many wondering: what will become of Drogon now? And oh my god, can we please award him the Goodest Boy award for fighting through the pain of a spear in the arm to protect his mommy from Jaime?  Read more...

More about Entertainment, Daenerys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones Season 7, Jaime Lannister, and Drogon

via Zero Tech Blog

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