'Game of Thrones' fan has a theory on the ultimate Season 8 alliance


Warning: Contains spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 7, episode 7.

Make way Westeros, there's a new dream team in town.

Nope, not Jon and Daenerys. Not Arya and Sansa. We're talking, of course, about Samwell Tarly and Bran "same facial expression for 7 straight episodes" Stark.

Okay, so they're not the likeliest of dream teams. But Redditor kinboy's recent post on the r/gameofthrones subreddit goes some way to showing just how valuable their friendship could be:

Jokes aside, their scene in Sunday's episode did serve to underline something important: Bran clearly needs someone knowledgeable like Sam to help him "see" clearly. Read more...

More about Uk, Game Of Thrones, Fan Theory, Bran Stark, and Theory

via Zero Tech Blog

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