'Game of Thrones' episode 4 finally gave us the battle we've been waiting six seasons to see


This recap is dark and full of spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 7, episode 4, titled "The Spoils of War."

Are you still shaking? I'm still shaking. 

Episode 4 finally brought Daenerys Targaryen to mainland Westeros — a monumental power play that's been six seasons in the making. 

Dany's grand entrance is huge for a number of reasons, not least of which is that our many-titled Khaleesi desperately needed a decisive victory over the Lannisters after losing Dorne, the Iron Islands and The Reach in the last two episodes.

The way Dany arrived was a showstopper, to be sure, but the fact that she arrived at all is pretty incredible — as Robert Baratheon predicted way back in Season 1, Dany's invasion marks the first time that the Dothraki have ever crossed the Narrow Sea, and even without her scaly children, that's a big effing deal for Westeros, since its inhabitants have spent centuries resting safe in the knowledge that the Dothraki are no threat to them. We were only five episodes into Season 1 when Cersei outright dismissed Robert's concerns about Dany with the arrogant assertion that "The Dothraki don't sail... Read more...

More about Game Of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones Season 7, and Jaime Lannister

via Zero Tech Blog

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