Bag of cat food's shadow is a purrrrrrfect illusion


Summer isn't even over and things are already getting spooky. 

Reddit user MarkSputnik shared a very creepy, but kind of amazing photo of a possible ghost cat. The photo features a bag of cat food that casts a shadow resembling a black cat with perky ears. 

And the coincidence is almost too good to be true. 

Are we for certain there isn't something else going on here? 

Was this bag of cat food once a living, breathing feline that got turned into an inanimate object by a witch? And now it's trying to tell us something via shadow? 

Hmmmm, this seems like a pretty good movie plot if you ask me.  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Cats, Shadow, Illusions, and Ghosts

via Zero Tech Blog

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