Bran's transformation into the Three-Eyed Raven has been a blessing and a curse for Game of Thrones fans; on the one hand, his abilities allow us to explore previously uncharted corners of Westeros, like Rhaegar Targaryen's wedding to Lyanna Stark; on the other, he's kind of a downer at reunions.
We spoke to the man behind the Raven, Isaac Hempstead Wright, about his character's newfound friendship with Sam Tarly, those pesky rumors that Bran is the Night King, and a scene that was cut from Season 7 which would've completely changed the dynamic of Littlefinger's death scene.
Sam and Bran seem like a perfect team — Sam's one of the most inquisitive characters on the show, and Bran seemingly has a lot of the answers we need. Do you think this means Sam is going to spend all of Season 8 asking Bran questions like he's Siri? Read more...
More about Game Of Thrones, Bran Stark, Game Of Thrones Season 7, Game Of Thrones Season 8, and Isaac Hempstead Wrightvia Zero Tech Blog