Turns out, the alt-right really loves Scaramucci and his potty mouth


One day, when we're all very old and President Trump is long gone, our grandchildren will ask us where we were when we first learned that the White House communications director accused one of the president's top advisors of trying to suck his own cock. 

After The New Yorker published their already legendary "conversation" with Anthony Scaramucci yesterday, people who still had faith in American democracy demanded for the incoming communication director's resignation. You might imagine that those on the far right would also join the call — it has to be at least a little bit humiliating that the president's communications director called the "globalist opposition" to bitch about their man's administration — but instead, they took the Mooch up as their hero. Read more...

More about Watercooler, Alt Right, Scaramucci, Culture, and Web Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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