Even if you don't watch Game of Thrones, you know a few basic things: 1. You win or you die, and 2. The Starks can't have anything nice.
Newly reunited in Season 6, Jon Snow and Sansa Stark (R.I.P. Rickon) seem to have the makings of a formidable Northern army and rulers to boot — but as star Kit Harington told Entertainment Weekly, things might not be copacetic.
“There is definite tension between them right from the first scene,” Harington said.
“There are the same problems — she questions his decisions and command; he doesn’t listen to her," Harington continued. "But as far as where that goes or takes them or how dark it can get, we’ll see. It gets past sibling squabbling, it gets into two people power struggling.” Read more...
More about Entertainment, Television, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, and Kit Haringtonvia Zero Tech Blog