Rick Astley marks 30th anniversary of his best known song with the ultimate tweet


Rick Astley wants you to know that he's never going to give you up.

Not ever.

Thursday was the 30-year anniversary of everyone's favourite 80s song and internet meme, "Never Gonna Give You Up".

Astley decided to celebrate it with a very special tweet:

30 years ago today I said I was Never Gonna Give You Up. I am a man of my word - Rick x http://pic.twitter.com/VmbMQA6tQB

— Rick Astley (@rickastley) July 27, 2017

No prizes for guessing what the media attached to that tweet was.

Yep: he rickrolled us. 

And it was beautiful.

More about Uk, Funny, Tweet, Rick Astley, and Never Gonna Give You Up

via Zero Tech Blog

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