People named 'KatyPerrysBootyHole' and 'wetbutt23' just broke some of the biggest baseball news of year


As far as news corrections go, this one from CSN Chicago on Thursday is an all-time classic.

Welcome, yet again, to our brave new media world. So how did we get here? 

CSN Chicago issued the above correction after reporting the White Sox traded starting pitcher Jose Quintana across town to the Cubs for four minor league prospects. As the local sports news site scrupulously admitted, they were first to the story among major media outlets — but news of the trade had actually broken Wednesday night on Reddit. 

That's right. Step aside national baseball reporters. There are a couple new hotshots in the journalism game. Make room for "wetbutt23" and "KatyPerrysBootyHole." Read more...

More about White Sox, White Sox Trade, Jose Quintana, Jose Quintana Trade, and Jose Quintana Trade Reddit

via Zero Tech Blog

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