Pantyhose seller advertises his goods by bouncing his son up and down in one


How could you not buy your next set of pantyhose from this guy, with this sort of marketing?

A pantyhose wholesaler in Sui county, in Henan, central China, has gone viral after stuffing his 8-year-old son into one of his wares to demonstrate its quality:

In the video, he's seen bouncing his eight-year-old son around like a kangaroo, while talking about the hosiery's quality.

The man, Cheng Hongwei, told Sina iPop he thought of making an ad for his pantyhoses over the weekend.

He wasn't planning to post the video online, just to circulate via messaging to his clients. So he figured he'd whip up something to show off the quality, and got his daughter to film it with a phone. Read more...

More about China, Viral, Pantyhose, Culture, and Web Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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