NASA concept video shows how we might save Earth from rogue asteroids


We've seen those blockbuster movies in which scientists lay out plans to save Earth from an incoming asteroid, it's always complicated, risky, and dependent on a bit of luck. But what would really happen in real life? 

NASA thinks it has an answer, and the space agency demonstrated that solution in a concept video (below) posted on Friday. 

The video shows NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) vehicle deliberately crashing itself into one component of the binary asteroid system called Didymos. 

"DART would be NASA’s first mission to demonstrate what's known as the kinetic impactor technique — striking the asteroid to shift its orbit — to defend against a potential future asteroid impact," Lindley Johnson, planetary defense officer at NASA, said in a statement in June.  Read more...

More about Nasa, Asteroids, European Space Agency, Science, and Space

via Zero Tech Blog

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