Marvel's 'Black Panther' is basically James Bond meets 'The Godfather' and OMG just give it to us now


Much like the nation of Wakanda itself, Marvel's Black Panther has been under a thick shroud of secrecy. 

But with that release date inching ever closer, Black Panther is finally ready to open its doors. A whole host of new details have been unveiled. And, guys, it looks so worth the wait. 

Black Panther is the 18th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but the franchise's first superhero movie with a black lead has a vibe all its own. Specifically, producer Nate Moore told Entertainment Weekly, it's "sort of a cross between James Bond and The Godfather." Expect "a big, operatic family drama centered around a world of international espionage." Read more...

More about Movies, Lupita Nyong O, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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