Markett will get people paid to talk about their favorite tech companies Ifeadi C. 08:12 TechCrunch, Zero Tech Blog “Markett is seeking to redistribute a piece of these brands’ ad budgets and put it into the pockets of their loyal customers,” says founder and chief executive Franky Bernstein. Read More via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsA second life for open-world games as self-driving car training softwareAn obsessive deep dive into the 'Outlander' Season 3 trailerThis app wants you to forget StubHub and make fun choices last minuteThis machine will 3D-print a second skin onto your iPhoneHere's Robert Downey Jr. dressed as the Easter Bunny, gazing into the middle distanceRihanna shined bright like a diamond in her one of kind Coachella outfit