YouTube's Sculpture_Geek has a gift: he takes piles of clay and slowly, painstakingly shapes them into intricate sculptures of fan-favorite characters.
This new one is a bust of The Legend of Zelda's hero, Link, complete with the Master Sword's hilt sticking out of the scabbard strapped to his back. The process obviously took more time than this 11-minute video shows you, but it's fascinating to see everything take shape.
There's also a kickass easter egg around the 5-minute mark that old school Nintendo fans should get a kick out of.
Definitely check out some of Sculpture_Geek's other projects if you're into this. Some of his past projects include: Castlevania's Simon Belmont, Punch-Out!!'s King Hippo, and Fallout's Deathclaw. Read more...
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