Inside Italy’s Thriving Gun Culture. Yes, Italy Ifeadi C. 13:27 WIRED, Zero Tech Blog Gun owners make up about 5% of Italy's population. But that doesn't mean they aren't enthusiastic. via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsTuna Fish School Human Engineers in HydraulicsWhen the Selfie Turns SacreligiousThe 5 Best Apps for Sketching on an iPad Pro: Photoshop Sketch, Procreate, Pixelmator, Concepts, Inspire Pro'Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age' Review: Giving an Oddity New Room to BreatheA Keen-Eyed Robot Goes to Work for a Paralyzed VeteranAlphabay and Hansa Takedowns Ensnare Thousands of Dark Web Users