Honolulu wants to ban cellphone walking. Here's 8 petty laws they could pass instead.


If you are a human with a cell phone, odds are you've broken this law that could soon be passed in Hawaii.

On Wednesday, in an extraordinarily ambitious effort to make Hawaii's streets safer, the Honolulu City Council passed a bill that prohibits pedestrians from staring down at their cell phones while crossing the street. Yes, you read that correctly. Hawaii essentially wants to prohibit people from texting and walking.

HA, good luck with that.

As CNN reported, if you're caught staring at your phone, in violation of Bill 6, you could be fined anywhere from $15 to $99 unless it's a 911-worthy emergency. Sure it's in the best interest of safety, but the proposed law begs the following massive question. Read more...

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via Zero Tech Blog

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