Here's Wonder Woman just hanging with her Justice League boys


Gal Gadot wants you to share in her excitement for Justice League.

The Wonder Woman star shared a fresh peek at the movie on her Twitter timeline, with a photo featuring Diana Prince staring at something puzzling off-camera alongside Batman and The Flash. What vexes them so? We'll find out on Nov. 17.

#JusticeLeague unite 💥🙏🏻 #Repost from @EW

— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) July 15, 2017

Gadot plucked the image from a new batch that surfaced in the latest Entertainment Weekly, and it's great to see her so jazzed about the upcoming team-upWonder Woman is the only DC Comics movie to clock a 90-plus RottenTomatoes rating — Man of Steel is the next-highest, with 55 percent. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Film, Justice League, Wonder Woman, and Gal Gadot

via Zero Tech Blog

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