Hangover cure from the world's heaviest drinking country is here to save your morning


Work hard, play hard — that’s South Korea’s formula for success.

For one South Korean entrepreneur, it only made sense to bottle that formula from his home country and bring it to the hands of hard-working, hard-playing Americans.

Sisun Lee's product, Morning Recovery, is a hangover cure based on some of the many traditional remedies in South Korea's heavy drinking culture.

The idea is to chug a bottle of it after a big night, before you go to bed. Lee claims that you'll wake up without the typical effects expected.

The former Tesla and Uber product manager appears to have hit upon nascent demand for the drink outside of South Korea. Morning Recovery's Indiegogo campaign now stands at 300 percent of its $25,000 goal, less than 24 hours after the page went live. Read more...

More about Korea, South Korea, Drinking, Alcohol, and Indiegogo

via Zero Tech Blog

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