'Game of Thrones' namedropped Aegon Targaryen a bunch this week, here's why


After six whole seasons, our Mother of Dragons has finally arrived on Westerosi soil — only to get half of her fleet torched by a psychopath with bad guyliner and an inferiority complex in episode 2.

But before we go jumping ship (sorry Theon), let's not assume this defeat was a sign that Daenerys' invasion is doomed to fail. 

Because this isn't the first time a Targaryen set out to conquer all of Westeros with three dragons and an even smaller army. Actually, it isn't even the first time a Targaryen suffered an early naval defeat in that quest.

More about Game Of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen, Game Of Thrones Season 7, Aegon Targaryen, and Aegon The Conquerer

via Zero Tech Blog

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