'Game of Thrones' is back with 'Dragonstone' and here's what the critics thought


Winter is getting there.

Game of Thrones kicked off its seventh season on Sunday night with "Dragonstone," an episode that picked up at the outer edge of what's shaping up to be a very bloody winter in Westeros. Forces are aligning all across the continent, and everyone seems to be fixing for a fight with someone else.

It's almost got the feel of that climactic stand-off in Reservoir Dogs. Who will pull the trigger first?

The expert Game of Thrones voices on the web all share a common sentiment: Dragonstone was a whoooole lot of setup. There's surely blood and warfare to come, but critics agree that our first hour back in George R.R. Martin's world was about reintroducing the labyrinthine web of murder politics. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Tv, Hbo, Game Of Thrones, and Game Of Thrones Season 7

via Zero Tech Blog

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