'Dunkirk' Ambushed Genre Movies at the Box Office–And Won Ifeadi C. 04:08 WIRED, Zero Tech Blog So much for our assumption that genre movies and comedies have an unshakeable stranglehold on the summer! via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsMillie Bobby Brown repped March For Our Lives in a big way at the Kids' Choice AwardsRick Santorum seems to think teen protesters are just dumping their problems on othersWisconsin high school students to walk 50 miles, dare Paul Ryan not to act on gun reformMark Zuckerberg finally says 'I'm sorry' in newspaper ads around the globeHere are the mutants that make up the new 'Deadpool 2' super-team, 'X-Force'Spotify says 2 million people figured out how to block ads for free