They call themselves disciples. Their first commandment: party or die.
OK, well, maybe not really die, but that party part — that’s for real.
The Disciples of Sirocco are a group of Redditors obsessed with party parrot, a multicolored, animated bird emoji who always looks to be having the time of his life. Their mission was to turn the emoji into an internet-dominating meme and, with the help of other dedicated followers, they’ve succeeded.
Party parrot, who seems to have originated on the Slack workflow app, is based off a real-life bird named Sirocco and takes many forms. There’s the original animation, who’s dancing to the oonce-oonce club music that’s clearly stuck in his head. There’s the same parrot with a slice of pizza slapped on his face, a parrot wearing a mariachi hat, a crying parrot, a bunch of parrots in a conga line, and on and on. The number of party parrots out there is now absurd and hilarious — the way only the internet can be. Read more...
More about Reddit, Gifs, Emoji, Slack, and Party Parrotvia Zero Tech Blog