An important countdown of the most memorable 'Game of Thrones' deaths


If there's one thing Game of Thrones is known for — along with the dragons and the copious amounts of nudity, that is — it's the death scenes.

Bloody deaths, fiery deaths, sudden deaths: one of the reasons the show is so damn good is that you're constantly wondering which character will be next to bite the dust.

In the run-up to Season 7, we decided to revisit the most earth-shattering deaths in the show so far. We've ranked them in order of how memorable they were, from least to most. We also left out the more minor characters like Janos Slynt that no-one really cares about, because there would have just been way, way too many otherwise. Read more...

More about Uk, Game Of Thrones, Death, Hodor, and Ned Stark

via Zero Tech Blog

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