Starlink: Battle for Atlas was revealed by Ubisoft at its E3 press conference in Los Angeles today and it looks like a combination of Skylanders and No Man's Sky. Yikes.
Starlink, coming in fall 2018 to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, utilizes weird spaceship toys that connect to the systems' controllers. They are massive abominations and way too late to the games-to-life party.
One would assume that you can only play with certain spaceships in the game if you own that spaceship toy in classic games-to-life fashion. That does not sound very appealing.
The gameplay itself seen in the trailer doesn't look very excitingNo Man's Sky proved last year that you need a bit more than planetary exploration and mild space battles to please an audience. Read more...
More about Gaming, Ubisoft, E3 2017, Starlink, and Entertainmentvia Zero Tech Blog