Stephen Colbert grilling Oliver Stone about Putin is excruciating to watch


It shouldn't be surprising in this current political climate that Oliver Stone's four-part Showtime series about Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin, hasn't had the warmest of receptions.

Stephen Colbert is more known for his quips, but a meeting with Stone on The Late Show on Monday proved too irresistible for the host. Colbert asked the director if he was "cosying up" to what some would call a dictator.

"You know, you have to be polite because this was a two-year deal, and it was four times, and I was with him numerous times," Stone explained.

Colbert admittedly hadn't watched the series yet, but asked Stone what would surprise him about Putin when watching it. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Video, Russia, Stephen Colbert, and The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

via Zero Tech Blog

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