'Orange is the New Black' Season 5 is the best it's ever been


If you fell off the Orange is the New Black train around Season 2 or 3, you're forgiven — but it's time  to come back. The latest season — now streaming — hits the ground running and sprints forward at breakneck speed. Binge too hard and you might get whiplash — but good luck holding back.

Season 5 picks up the very moment Season 4 ended: Daya (Dascha Polanco) has a gun pointed at C.O. Humphrey's (Michael Torpey) head, and chaos splits the air around her. 

The prison riot allows the writers and cast to stretch their legs magnificently. Frieda (Dale Soules) finally gets a flashback episode; Red (Kate Mulgrew) and Flores (Diana Gómez) embark on a drug-fueled investigation of the nefarious Piscatella (Brad William Henke), and Suzanne A.K.A. "Crazy Eyes" (Uzo Aduba) hosts an impromptu seance in the cafeteria.  Read more...

More about Entertainment, Television, Netflix, Orange Is The New Black, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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