Joe and Mika implore Trump not to watch their show in blistering, but sticky, editorial


After Trump tweeted about "Psycho Joe" and "low I.Q. Crazy Mika" yesterday, the two decided to fight back — with more than his trademark, lazy 140 characters.

Scarborough and Brzezinski wrote a powerful op-ed for The Washington Post Friday morning, alleging that the President had an "unhealthy obsession" with the show and encouraging him to "keep his 60-inch-plus flat-screen TV tuned to Fox & Friends instead."

The two denied that they asked to join Trump's New Years Eve party, adding: "He also claimed that he refused to see us. That is laughable." Read more...

More about Watercooler, Joe Scarborough, President Trump, Mika Brzezinski, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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