Our Tinder profiles are sacred vaults of private — and sometimes lascivious —conversations. But, scores of young people did something many of us would deem unthinkable — they handed over their Tinder profiles to a chatbot during the UK general election in order to encourage young people to vote tactically for Labour in swing constituencies.
The Tinder chatbot is the brainchild of an independent women-led team comprised of writer and campaigner Yara Rodrigues Fowler, 24, and law student Charlotte Goodman, 25. The pair wanted to find a way of talking to young people in swing constituencies about policies that would interest them
Goodman conducted a constituency analysis where the youth vote would make a difference to the final result. She then enlisted the help of software engineers Erika Pheby, 23, and Kyle Buttner, 25, who set about building the software required. The bot targeted 18-25 year olds in marginal constituencies where the youth vote could swing it, and encouraged young people to vote tactically. Read more...
via Zero Tech Blog