How being a dad has changed Kratos in the next 'God of War'


God of War's hyper-violent protagonist Kratos is a dad now. Actually, he's a dad again if you count his family he was tricked into killing that set him on a path of murderous rage at the outset of the first game in the series.

In the upcoming sequel to God of War III (annoyingly titled God of War and not God of War IV), Kratos has left Greece and its mostly-murdered gods to venture into the cold Norse wilderness. Somewhere between then and now, Kratos fathered a son named Atreus who has become a vital companion in Kratos's journey.

I was able to sit down with God of War writer and director Cory Balrog at E3 and talk about what it means for Kratos to be a dad, how having Atreus as a son will make the traditionally one-note character grow, and how Atreus impacts the upcoming God of War game. Read more...

More about Gaming, Playstation 4, God Of War, E3 2017, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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