Game of Thrones is so hot right now, it seems HBO will make a trailer for anything involving the show — including its Comic-Con panel.
Over three breathless tweets on its official Twitter account Thursday, the network unveiled a video featuring a quick shot from the upcoming Season 7 — Dany's Dragons, heading to Stannis Baratheon's former island stronghold of Dragonstone — and the date, time, and attendees on the panel in San Diego Comic-Con's infamous Hall H.
SEE ALSO: We need to talk about the Stark family reunion being teased in the 'Game of Thrones' trailer
Snark aside, this is the first time Game of Thrones will be actually on our screens during Comic-Con — the panel is on the Friday before Episode 2 — so the interest level is likely to be at fever pitch (and the overnight Hall H lines are likely to be insane). Read more...
More about Game Of Thrones Season 7, Comic Con, Entertainment, and Game Of Thronesvia Zero Tech Blog