Forget covfefe — Trump's press secretary just tweeted a bunch of nonsense and traffic light emojis


President Donald Trump's deputy press secretary is taking a cue from her boss. 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders on Saturday morning tweeted a string of nonsense that outdoes "covfefe" by far. 

⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🏰🗺🗺🏰🏰🏰🚦 :/9//&🗿🛩⛩🏚

— Sarah H. Sanders (@SHSanders45) June 10, 2017

What does it mean?? Is the Trump administration releasing an executive order on traffic lights? Or building a castle to replace the White House? Or outlawing trains? Or communicating with the Russians? Is "lolaklkk" the new covfefe — do other members of the Trump administration know what it means? 

"The president and a small group of people know exactly what '⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥⚓️🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🗺🏰🗺🗺🏰🏰🏰🚦 :/9//&🗿🛩⛩🏚
#🚦lolaklkk🚥🚦⛲️🚝🚦🚞🚢🚂' means."

— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) June 10, 2017

More about Twitter, Emoji, White House, Trump, and Sean Spicer

via Zero Tech Blog

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