Annie Lennox shares spectacularly cringeworthy email from 'new music coordinator'


It's always nice to get random appreciation for your talents. Sometimes it's even nice to get offers based on those talents.

Sometimes it's just a bit odd, though.

Take Scottish singer Annie Lennox, for instance. On Thursday, she shared the following email from someone claiming to be a "New Music Coordinator" at a Los Angeles radio station.

Here's a full transcript of that email:

Well, wow.

There's a lot to unpack there.

Two options: 1) either there really is a Kylie or Kyle working at a radio station somewhere in LA who isn't much of a Euythmics fan, or — more likely — 2) it's a fishing email that's very unlikely to work. Read more...

More about Facebook, Uk, Funny, Email, and Scotland

via Zero Tech Blog

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