Amazon could fill our cities with towering Echo-shaped drone hives


Picture an Amazon Echo. Maybe you have one, or a friend does, or you've seen one in a commercial. They're cylindrical and black, and small enough to be unobtrusive sitting atop a kitchen counter. Now picture them the size of a skyscraper, amid buildings of a similar height. Picture this giant Echo full of little doors through which package-carrying drones buzz in and out, the delivery people of the future. 

Amazon has registered a patent to do this.

Maybe this Jeff Bezos dream will come true. Maybe it won't. Amazon has, after all, also registered a patent for huge flying drone warehouses, like blimps that spew miniature versions of themselves out into the world below, a design built to deliver packages so quickly that customers will barely have ordered the thing before it shows up at their door.  Read more...

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