47 baby goats in video proves you can't have too many baby goats


Release the goats! 

It's breakfast time at the goat cheese farm, Sunflower Farm Creamery, and these kids are excited—all 47 of them. That's right, 47 baby goats!

No matter what kind of baby goat you like, you'll find a favorite in this video. There's a baby bottle-drinking goat. There are jumping-on-bags-of-pine-shavings goats. There's even a hopping-on-mommy's back goat. 

According to the farm, "It is a wild couple of minutes of yelling until everyone finds each other and gets a good long drink and then quiet and playtime for the kids!"

Seems like all kids are a handful, even the goat kind. Read more...

More about Cute Animals, Goats, Cute Animal Videos, Goat Kid, and Baby Goat

via Zero Tech Blog

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