Why I refuse to delete old, unused apps from my iPhone


When it comes to apps on my iPhone, I'm guilty as charged: I'm a hoarder.

There's nothing wrong with being a digital hoarder so long as you don't let it destroy your sanity. You just need to know how to manage your digital garbage and know when to just give up (like stop flagging emails and embrace search).

It's not like I don't have enough storage. Far from it, I always buy the largest-capacity iPhone possible (in my case, I've got 256GB iPhone 7). Running out of storage to sustain my app stash is the least of my worries.

My problem also isn't that I haven't accepted the fact that I have 179 apps on my iPhone — most of which I haven't opened in years and probably won't in the near future — but that I can't bring myself to delete them because of fear. Read more...

More about Tech Column, Apple, App Store, Apps And Software, and Iphone

via Zero Tech Blog

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