When 'Destiny' was born


Jonty Barnes remembers three things about the day Destiny was born: barbeque, ice cream, and sunshine.

There are many ways to define the “birthday” for Bungie's hit game. Was it the day pre-pre-production started, while most of the studio worked on Halo: Reach? Or perhaps it was when the publishing deal with Activision was struck? Most players would say it's Sept. 9, 2014, the day the game was released.

"There was a high pressure to eclipse our previous work.”

For the bulk of the people at Bungie that actively shaped what Destiny would become, however, the game was born in July 2010 on a sunny summer day at the Kirkland Performance Center. That's when Barnes and other Bungie principals unveiled their earliest blueprints for the next phase of the studio's life. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Destiny, Bungie, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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