War Machine Is Your Sneak Peek at Netflix’s Blockbuster Future Ifeadi C. 14:16 WIRED, Zero Tech Blog Brad Pitt's combat satire is the streaming service's riskiest original film yet. But where does the company grow from here? The post War Machine Is Your Sneak Peek at Netflix's Blockbuster Future appeared first on WIRED. via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsHow a Blimp Crashed and Caught Fire at the US OpenLatest WikiLeaks Release Shows How the CIA Hacks Your Router“We Will Literally Predict Their Life Outcomes”Chinese Satellite Relays a Quantum Signal Between CitiesNorth Korea's Cyberattacks Are Chaotic, But Also Make Perfect SenseOutdoor Gear For Women Evolves Beyond 'Shrink It and Pink It'