There are many frontiers in the quest to add intelligence to our homes — even on the outside.
You may be blessed with a small yard, as I am. Lawns require a lot of attention, much of which I am not willing to give. I hate yard work and hate every-other-day watering most of all.
So, I got a sprinkler system. The system was automated in that I set a schedule via bunch of physical sliders and there was even a rain sensor outside that would shut off the system if it started to rain. But most of the time I found myself running down to my basement to set off extra watering cycles, wondering if the system ran as I wanted, or growing frustrated because it would water the morning before a day’s worth of storms were predicted or the day after soaking rains. Read more...
More about Reviews, Review, Mashable Choice, Smart Home, and Watering Systemsvia Zero Tech Blog