A self-described "spoon bandit" lavished in his hard work after claiming to heist 1,500 spoons from his high school cafeteria.
Warning: The following tweet may be too badass for some readers.
Over this past school year I have stolen over 1500 spoons from the Lincoln Way Central Cafeteria. I'm chaos. I'm fear. I am the spoon bandit http://pic.twitter.com/ZZnbrujeUc
— J.White (@Jayw1303) May 22, 2017
"Over this past school year I have stolen over 1500[sic] spoons from the Lincoln Way Central Cafeteria. I'm chaos. I'm fear. I am the spoon bandit," student J. White tweeted, racking up more than 11,900 retweets in just two days. Read more...
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